The Evolution3™ Four times faster than cutting by hand

Our customers love the Keencut Evolution3. The feedback has been excellent, with users telling us how dramatically the Evolution3 has improved their productivity and finishing quality.
From our experience, the Evolution3 achieves perfect cutting with minimal effort, making cutting a much more comfortable, safe, and easily repeatable task. It is the only benchtop range with the Keencut Lift-and-Hover system, and this, combined with other unique features, dramatically increases production speed.
The key to the Evolution3s performance is the speed and accuracy of aligning the materials offered by the unique Lift-and-Hover system and sightline stip. Keencut tested the Evolution3 cutting 10mm foam board against cutting the same material by hand with a knife and safety rule. The Evolution3 cut the foam board four times faster than cutting by hand. The boards were perfectly identical and finished cleanly. There were no mistakes and no waste. The cutting process resulted in no dust or debris, so there was nothing to stick to other materials or damage expensive printing machines in the workshop. The hand knife cut boards had a poor, unprecise, jagged, and uneven finish. The poor quality increased the possibility of costly mistakes and additional waste.
The Evolution3 also cut banner material 1.5 times faster than cutting by hand. As well as the increased speed, the significant advantage was the quality of the finish. The banners were perfectly aligned and cleanly cut. The production of identical banners was incredibly easy, and there were no mistakes and no waste.
The Evolution3s ball bearing mounted cutting head ensures user comfort, giving an easy, smooth, and perfectly clean cut. Everything is designed for accuracy, safety, and speed.
Contact us for more information or arrange a visit to try the Keencut Evolution3 for yourself.